Between a rock and a hard place

Are the Kennedy Center Honors filmed in the 80s

I mean seriously did anyone/is anyone watching them? I feel as if we have been transported back to the early 90s or the late 80s. The bold face standard type white font on the title screen, the back drop behind Caroline Kenndy during her opening speech. Its just all so odd, and retro. 


I’ll have to try and find some pictures to accompany this post.



EDIT: For example




Ho Ho Ho Y’all
December 25, 2008, 8:48 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

To you and yours. 

Prop-8 The Musical
December 17, 2008, 9:51 pm
Filed under: 2008


Freakin’ hysterical. I heart me some Jack Black Jesus. 


Seriously though. When the hell are we going to get over ourselves and stop denying people marriage? Its, selfish. Why should I get to marry the man I love, but not Ms. May or May Not, or Ms. Hydrangea. Its a load of bullocks is what it is.  I know that Prop 8 has already been approved, but I want to know where it stops, when it ends, I want to know when everyone gets to be treated equal. 


When are we going to live in a nation where gay governors don’t have to step down from their positions. 


Put aside your differences.

Planning with money and the “future” for 2009

Hey guess what y’all!? You get to be privy to my personal finance goals for 2009. Aren’t you excited??




Oh well. 



~ Put aside at least $6000 for my wedding in October 2010.

~Contribute at least $25 extra per student loan per month

~Source avenues of bringing in at least $150 extra per month

~Fund my E-fund for 6 months worth of expenses (~$7,000 Currently sitting at about 2500$)



~Work out 3 times a week (Currently sitting at a measly once a week) 

~Lose 35lbs

~Start family cookbook for Christmas ’09 by March ’09


Career & THE Future

~ Look at what my options are after my apprenticeship with work has ended

~Sign up to take a class outside of my current industry (Most likely cooking related)



Thats what I have for right now, these are in fact rather loose goals. Most of them revolve around finances as you can tell. 


What are your goals for the upcoming year people?

Guess who hurt themselves at work again!
December 8, 2008, 6:25 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

This girl! 


I did something to my back and it hurts like a mother effer. Like can’t sit upright, bend, lift. It hurts

December 2, 2008, 8:10 pm
Filed under: 2008, life, ME, The Pursuit of Happiness

Rut, down, in the dumps, whatever you want to call it, its where I am lately. I have no *real* reason to be in such a tizzy. Yet its where I find myself. Pish posh. 

The holidays are just about to sneak up on us, and I feel unprepared this year, not ready, unwilling


This all runs on the heels on setting a date and place to get married, all of which seem unreal, neigh, surreal. How is this happening? How did I get here? And where do I go from here?