Between a rock and a hard place

My hands are on firrreeee
August 11, 2009, 8:02 pm
Filed under: 2009, life, ME, Whining and Moaning, work

Are bothering me, I keep waking up with these clear little bumps on my hands, that ITCH LIKE THE DEPTHS OF A THOUSAND FIREY HELLS.

After some quick research it turns out that its a form of eczema thats generally brought on by something you’re touching.

Greeeeeeeeat. I don’t touch gross disgusting things all the time or anything.

Off to the dermatologist I go.

In other news, life is good. I love the house, I love my fiancee. Things are moving along nicely, and we’re doing little upgrades here and there. Pictures soon I swear. I promise.

Suddenly I woke up

and I had  reached the age where one starts to have serious conversations about weddings, mortgages, when/if one wants to have children, and maybe we should start saving for a down payment?

Oh and hey we’re in a ridiculously unstable industry, have you ever thought about what you might want to do if the entertainment industry goes entirely to shit?



For the record the answers to those questions are as follows


October 4th, 2008

We can’t afford one

Not right now and at least 5 years from now so my Union annuity is vested and I don’t lose it

Um yes we friggan should, as soon as we meet with the Wells Fargo guy

And um Mr. Wonderful has never thought about it. And I want to cook

Keep on truckin’ lil lady
April 4, 2008, 8:41 am
Filed under: 2008, life, ME, Whining and Moaning | Tags: ,

Well I have my car back, $3,081.54 later. It might as well be a new car. The past week has been a roller coaster, a run down of the events you ask? Why sure…

Lost the apartment we desperately wanted

Car died, like 1ton paper weight died

Dog ate case of gatorade spewing red fruit punch flavored liquid everywhere

$3,081.54 car repair

I’m going on my 12 day of work.

Found an apartment we wanted

Signed a lease

My mother is getting sued for something she has nothing to do with.

Mr. Wonderful’s mother is back on her judge Judy kick.

Its a wonderful life…..

Self pity in New York
March 27, 2008, 8:03 am
Filed under: Black Jack, life, ME, Whining and Moaning | Tags: , ,

So that car, that I spent $700 on fixing about a month ago??? 

 Its toast. 

Thats right I said it.

Toast. The engine seized.

My 1999 Toyota Camry with only 83,000 miles on it. Is done.  

Oh and that apartment that we really really wanted? What happened to that you ask?The owner turned us down.Even with the offer of an extra deposit for the dog, and an additional rider in the leaser holding us solely responsible for any damage caused by the dog. 

He thinks the dog is going to pee everywhere. Which he won’t. He’s not like that, he’s a good dog. 

We really wanted that apartment.  

Dani is getting all growed up….
February 27, 2008, 9:29 am
Filed under: life, ME, Whining and Moaning | Tags: ,


The company that I have been working for in my last semester of college has offered me a full time position come May.. Salary, benefits, the whole nine yards. The idea was proposed to me on Thursday of last week.

I replied that I was interested but needed some time to consider my options. They were fine with that response and we left it at that. When I walked in Monday morning, immediately following “Good Morning”, was “Have you made your decision yet?”. I stared at him blindly, and managed to stumble out something like ‘Ummm no, I wasn’t aware this had to be an immediate response’. At which point I was asked to have one by Friday.

<insert freaking out here>

So now I am left to make a slightly life altering decision by Friday, which is in, oh 2 days! As I’ve mentioned before, I have some other offers on the table. And well here they are:

 -Local 1 Union Stagehand (I’d be a wrench slinger for a little while, which is something I’m not interested in long term, however this would be the fastest way to pay off my tens of thousands of student loan debt, also it would provide a long term job pool)

– The lighting design firm I work for currently( I love this company, and all of the people in it. Its a truly great place to work. However, its been made clear to me that, they won’t be able to come anywhere near the price range my first option can. Meaning its going to increase the amount of time it takes to pay off afformentioned loans. Also I think I would be able to return to this company later, option 1 is a one shot deal)

– And finally the “Once in a lifetime shot” I mentioned previously  is a European tour with this dance company that I’ve been working with on weekends.  (This is not a permanent job, it doesn’t really offer stability. But, who doesn’t want a chance at an all expenses paid, plus getting paid month+ long trip to Europe???)

My thoughts on all of this, is that I would like to have financial stability As.Soon.As. Possible. And having that would make me a lot less stressful. So I think attaining that is a priority. That being said, its not certain how soon after graduation the apprenticeship will come up. So I don’t want to turn this offer down, only to have no job come May 17th. However I don’ t want to accept the offer, and then two weeks after graduation have the union call and have to turn in my two weeks notice….

What would you do????

Its just soooo fashionable..
February 3, 2008, 9:43 pm
Filed under: life, lighting, Whining and Moaning, work | Tags: , , ,

One show down.  

One show to go….. 

Then we move on to the dance company 

 So close……I’m hoping for some sweet swag….. 

Who needs fashion anyway??
January 28, 2008, 12:34 pm
Filed under: life, lighting, Whining and Moaning, work | Tags:

For the 3rd year in a row, I will not be able to watch the superbowl. Why you ask?
Because I work in the entertainment industry. And need to be at a fashion show load-in all weekend long. Yay. My life for the next 14 days you ask???
1/29-David Chu Townhouse focus
1/31-Lighting Class (Ice shows….Ooooohh exciting)
2/1- Office
2/2- 4AM Load-in for Jonathan Saunders Fall ’08 show
2/3-8AM focus/show call for said fashion show
2/5- Derek Lam Load-In for his Fall ’08 show
2/6- Derek Lam Focus/show call for said fashion show
2/7-Travel to Maine for Tap Kids Load-In
2/8-Three Tap Kids shows, followed by travel to New Hampshire
2/9-Load-in in NH for Tap Kids
2/10-Travel back to NY from Tap Kids gig.
Love the entertainment industry. But um hey, I can pay my rent next month. Oh and that $640 car repair bill….. 

You got it Toyota! My money that is….
January 27, 2008, 9:17 pm
Filed under: life, Whining and Moaning | Tags:

My stupid car was leaking oil. OIL! Of all the things to leak, its needs to leak oil??? So we got it fixed…..
To the tune of $640

I said Brrrrrr, its cold outside…
January 24, 2008, 10:34 pm
Filed under: life, Whining and Moaning | Tags: , , ,

Dear Mr. Landlord who I have never seen and whose name I do not know but my management company tells me exists,  

In the 8 months that Mr. Wonderful and myself have lived in this apartment we have always paid our rent on time every single month. We have not complained about our leaky sink, our windows that don’t stay open, or the mass quantity of bugs that we see randomly crawling through our cabinets, requiring us to wash our dishes before we use them. We are in fact one of only 3 apartments that I have not had a LATE PAYMENT notice  posted on their door every. single. month. I really like our little 2br apartment here 2 blocks from the Bronx Zoo. 

 I do not however like that I have not had a hot shower in about 5 days. In case you haven’t noticed, it is about 20 degrees outside. My job is not cooshy. It involves hard labor. Is it so much to ask for a shower above the temperature of a glass of water that has sat on the counter for an hour? I really don’t believe it is.  

We didn’t even complain when we arrived home on Christmas to frigid ice cold water, or that our tub leaks non stop. Hell I’ve even stopped minding the 5 flights of stairs that I must venture up to get to my shower. All I want is a hot shower. Complete with steamy windows, a fogged up mirror, and wrinkly fingers.    


DaniApt. 5C 

Stand clear of the closing doors, please….
January 23, 2008, 7:47 pm
Filed under: Whining and Moaning | Tags: , , , ,


Today I spent my life on the subway. 12 total rides on the subway today (thank god for unlimited MetroCards). And people I’ve got to tell you, I really don’t like this many New Yorkers in a constant stream for 8 hours.  The following are my findings: 1) If you get on at one end of the train, and spot a seat all the way at the end of the train, it is in fact NOT polite to plow through everybody like you’re trying out for a spot on the New York Jets.  2) I was on all variations of train, the very very old (R), the very old (6), the old (1), the newish (5), and the awesome brand new ones (N). The very very old style, are longer train cars, that are wider, with more seats, and hold a hell of a lot more people. Why did we venture away from this design? Why not just upgrade the features??? 3) Business men are by far the meanest people to contend with during rush hour commute.  4) It’s silly to not be able to swipe your unlimited card again for another 20 minutes. A lot of my errands for work, were quick little in and out things. Meaning I had to stand there and wait til I could swipe it again. I understand the reason is so that people don’t just pass back the card. But how about 10 mins MTA??? Help a lady out. And lastly 5) I love the “Bing-Bong” guy. Its this guy who can mimic the announcements and door closing chimes exactly. I don’t mind him because he asks for food and not money. Which I’ll readily hand over to him. I see him probably once a week. He makes me laugh, and a good time is had by all.  There you have it, Subway Findings #1. More to follow